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Safe Routes Utah Blog

3 Ways To Keep Your Kids Active This Winter

When the weather turns cold and routine sets in, it’s easy to lose motivation and want to stay indoors. But getting outside is still good for kids and keeping them active during the winter is important. A great way to get exercise and get the kiddos moving is walking or biking to school. With these three tips, you can make walking or biking to school in any weather a breeze, and you’ll be eligible to win prizes in the Safe Routes Walk & Roll Challenge. Here are a few pro tips to help.

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Halloween: How to Keep Your Little Monster Safe

Halloween is unique in that it is typically a pedestrian holiday and that’s the kind of holiday we can get behind. Pedestrian safety is the root of Safe Routes so many of the safety tips and road rules we encourage and teach are perfect for Halloween and we have a few extra wicked tips just for the holiday.

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3 Reasons Your Kids Should Be Biking

Riding a bike seems like such a simple activity, but the benefits have a broad reach, especially for kids. As a parent, it’s always nice to give your kid the best experiences, and biking provides a variety of skills and opportunities.

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