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Welcome to the new Safe Routes Mapping Site

Principals & Districts, please see below for information and tips to navigate the new site.

The goal of Safe Routes Utah is to help children get to and from school safely while motivating children to experience the benefits of walking or biking to school. School leadership officials have a significant influence on the way students travel to and from school. Policies, procedures, and projects can be promoted at the school and district level that address concerns, improve safety, increase physical activity, and encourage students to walk and bike more often.

Information for Principals and Districts

Safe Routes Utah is thrilled to launch our new mapping site. Please be aware that we have updated the mapping process on the site. Schools should:
  1. Identify their Safe Routes Mapping Committee. This should include:
    • School Administrator (principal or vice principal)
    • Local law enforcement
    • City/County engineer and/or public works
    • PTA/PTO
    • Interested parents, guardians, or school employees
  2. Create/Update their Safe Routes map and submit for district approval
  3. Once the map is approved, create/update their Safe Routes Plan Report

Reminders for principals and districts for the new site:

  • Usernames are associated with the schools, not individuals. However, the contact information for the school can be updated and changed.
  • All maps, regardless of approval date, will need to be approved by the district on the new site. Schools will need to review and submit their map for district approval.
  • Any changes made on the previous site before July 10th, 2023, should already be included on your map on the new site. However, if changes were made after that date, they will not be included and will need to be made on the new mapping site.
  • Your school’s map will only be visible on the public view if it has been approved by the district within the last year. If a map does not show up, it means it has not been approved.
Below you will find helpful resources to help you on the new site, including a planning guide to help you in the process, a great example of how one school does their safe routes, and video tutorials to help you on the new mapping site.

Safe Routes Plan

A Safe Routes Plan informs and encourages students to walk and bike safely to school. It can also identify areas that require improvements.

Under Utah law, every elementary, middle and junior high school is required to create a Safe Routes Plan. It should be reviewed annually to see if there have been changes to the school attendance boundary, walk zone or the adjacent neighborhoods.

After the Safe Routes Plan has been reviewed and accepted by all involved parties–including the school, district, city, county and UDOT–it is the principal’s responsibility to distribute the approved safe routing map plan accompanied by a text description to every student enrolled in the school.

If you have any questions about the mapping site or your login information, please contact

New to the mapping process and not sure where to start?

Use this in-depth guide to help you understand the steps of what goes into making your school’s Safe Routes map.

Take a look at a great example of a city going through the Safe Routes planning process.

See how Herriman City walks through the planning process on their blog below.

Mapping Video Tutorials

School Login Overview
Safe Route Lines
District Login Overview & Approvals
There is growing concern in Utah and across the nation about the safety of children who walk or bike to school. With increased traffic congestion around schools, students who choose to walk or bike have limited safe routes, which discourages this healthy activity. The main goal of the Safe Routes Grants program is to encourage and assist students living within 1.5-2 miles to safely walk or bike to school. Available grant funding can be used for projects that include non-infrastructure; e.g. education and encouragement, and infrastructure physical improvements; new sidewalks, school pavement markings, signage, bicycle parking, etc. For questions, please email Travis Evans, Active Transportation Safety Program Manager.