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Safe Routes Utah Blog

Crossing Guard: Whitney Durfee

Being a crossing guard means helping your community and keeping kids safe, but sometimes it includes close calls and danger. The last thing anyone wants is for a crossing guard or a child to be in harm’s way. That’s why we are talking to Whitney, a crossing guard from Vineyard, Utah, who can give us a little more insight and share tips to make school zones safer.

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Kids vs. Parents: Pedestrian and Driver Myths

Make it known to all that the battle shall rage between kid and parent to see who will rule the road the safest. Prizes are at hand every Tuesday for those who venture to take on this quest. You have until the strike of midnight on May 18th to complete the quest. Who’s knowledge will bust each myth and ensure the safety of your kingdom? To find out, click here and crush the myths. Show who knows the rules of the road best. Once you’ve completed the first mission in the quest, continue to the next quest and gather additional resources.

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