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Safe Routes Utah Blog

Walk & Roll Tips From ‘Utah With Kids’

If you’re like us, you love Utah and all of the exciting activities it has to offer. Our friend Kyra feels the same. She runs the Instagram account Utah With Kids, and specializes in finding all the best kid-friendly things to do in Utah, including Safe Routes. Just like every mom, Kyra knows how incredibly busy mornings can be during the school year. She shared some tips on how she makes it all work, so her kiddos get all the rewards from being active as well as a chance to win sweet prizes.

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We want our children to know how dangerous construction sites are and encourage them to keep a safe distance.

The Dangers of Construction Sites and What We’re Doing to Keep Our Kids Safe

Construction zones are common throughout Utah and can be extremely dangerous for young people. The Safe Routes Utah outreach team educates elementary aged kids about the dangers in these areas through an interactive assembly called, “Think Safety.” It teaches concepts about safety through play and is designed to mitigate their curiosity around construction zones. Students leave knowing to steer clear of these areas and to remain alert and attentive when passing by.

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Walk. Ride. Win.

Walking to the bus is one of the ways that children can enter the Walk & Roll Challenge. Every day that you and your children walk to the bus stop, you can enter the drawing for a prize for you and your kids.

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Things You Didn’t Know About Safe Routes Utah

You’ve likely heard of our Walk & Roll Challenge. Word gets around when kids can win a free helmet and scooter, but did you know there is so much more to Safe Routes Utah?

Safe Routes Utah is a state program that encourages kids to walk and bike to and from school safely, the keyword being “safely.” We find multiple ways to teach and encourage safety among students using active transportation. One way we do that is by teaching it.

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In September, We Wear Green

Pull out your best green gear and help us bring awareness to school zone safety this month for Green Ribbon Month. Green Ribbon Month was created in Utah to shine a light on school zone safety. Now that school is officially back in session, there are more pedestrians, particularly kids, walking and biking to and from school. It’s a reminder to drivers to watch for kids on their way to school and also a reminder to pedestrians to walk and bike responsibly.

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3 Things Crossing Guards Want You and Your Kids To Know

Crossing the street might seem like a straightforward task, but there are many things to be aware of as a crossing guard. Kids, drivers, high traffic volume, and distractions are all circumstances to juggle for a crossing guard. We have three inside tips every crossing guard wants drivers, parents and kids to know to keep school zones safe.

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Walk & Roll Challenge: How to Rock It On Any School Schedule

As we all know, this school year has been, in a word, hectic. Finding new routines and balancing new schedules has been difficult for parents and kids alike. The new school arrangements also have us reconsidering how our Walk & Roll Challenge should run (no pun intended) this year.

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