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Safe Routes Utah Blog

Active All Summer: Summer Programs to Keep Kids Moving

Backpacks have been thrown into the closet, pens and pencils have been stowed away until next year, and school is officially out for summer! But, just because the school year has come to an end, doesn’t mean that you have to be cooped up in your house all summer long. Here are some fun, accessible activities and programs to help your kids stay active this summer.

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Walk & Roll Challenge Winner Spotlight: Ella

Here at Safe Routes Utah, one of the best parts of the Walk & Roll Challenge is giving out prizes to kids and parents who walk or roll to school. We love seeing their smiles and knowing they love walking, biking or rolling to school as much as we do. Lauren and her daughter Ella, were one of many we’ve awarded so far this year. 

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What To Wear When Walking In The Winter

Winter is here, and nothing is worse than going outside and realizing you didn’t dress warm enough! So now it’s time to master the art of bundling up so you and your kids can stay warm when you walk or bike to school. Grab your winter gear because we’ve got some tips to make sure you and your little ones are dressed properly for the cold weather.

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Shine Bright on Halloween: A Guide to Make Sure Your Child is Seen 

As the leaves change color and the air turns crisp, Halloween approaches, bringing with it the excitement and anticipation of trick-or-treating. While it’s a day meant for fun and festivities, it is also an important day to prioritize safety, especially when it comes to your little trick-or-treaters. With the days growing shorter and the sun setting earlier, here are some tips to make sure that your child is seen while they are out on Halloween.

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Green Ribbon Month Is Pedestrian Safety Month

In Utah, September is Pedestrian Awareness Month, also known as Green Ribbon Month. Many schools take the month to educate students and drivers about pedestrian safety, and of course, we are always on board with teaching pedestrian safety. 

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Traffic Safety Scavenger Hunt

Our safety scavenger hunt will help students embark on a fun-filled adventure, learning vital safety tips in an engaging and memorable way. From identifying safe crossing points and understanding traffic signals, to practicing how to walk to school safely. The safety scavenger hunt helps children develop practical life skills that extend beyond the school environment, while giving parents the opportunity to discuss safety and peace of mind knowing their student is equipped in safe walking/biking practices. 

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Finding Kid Friendly Trails 

A great way to keep walking and rolling over the summer is to get moving with Utah’s trail system! Utah has an abundance of trails suitable for walking, biking and rolling. 

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Safety in Numbers – The Walking School Bus

Safe Routes Utah is here to help teach the importance of pedestrian safety to you and your children. As we head into Spring, many of you may be encouraging your children to start spending more time in the sunshine by walking or biking to school. So what can you do to help ensure their safety as they do so? One great option is a walking school bus!

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