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Safe Routes Utah Blog

What To Wear When Walking In The Winter

Winter is here, and nothing is worse than going outside and realizing you didn’t dress warm enough! So now it’s time to master the art of bundling up so you and your kids can stay warm when you walk or bike to school. Grab your winter gear because we’ve got some tips to make sure you and your little ones are dressed properly for the cold weather.

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Shine Bright on Halloween: A Guide to Make Sure Your Child is Seen 

As the leaves change color and the air turns crisp, Halloween approaches, bringing with it the excitement and anticipation of trick-or-treating. While it’s a day meant for fun and festivities, it is also an important day to prioritize safety, especially when it comes to your little trick-or-treaters. With the days growing shorter and the sun setting earlier, here are some tips to make sure that your child is seen while they are out on Halloween.

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4 Tips to Stay Cool While Staying Active

Here at Safe Routes, we talk a lot about the pedestrian safety side of walking and rolling. However, during the summertime, it is important to consider some other safety factors when planning  activities with your family.

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Crossing Guard: Whitney Durfee

Being a crossing guard means helping your community and keeping kids safe, but sometimes it includes close calls and danger. The last thing anyone wants is for a crossing guard or a child to be in harm’s way. That’s why we are talking to Whitney, a crossing guard from Vineyard, Utah, who can give us a little more insight and share tips to make school zones safer.

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Protect your Noggin. No Helmet, No ride.

Let the outdoor festivities and activities begin! Now is the perfect time to get your little ones walking and rolling to school. If your child likes to ride their own wheels to school, let’s make sure they don’t leave the house without their trusty headgear.

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Safe Routes Utah | Walk & Roll Program

Our guest blogger, Natalie Ockey from Utah’s Adventure Family is passionate about the outdoors and keeping her kids active. Her Utah’s Adventure Family social media accounts give the best tips on places to hike, explore and get moving with your family. Natalie’s kids also participate in the Safe Routes Walk & Roll Challenge to stay active daily during the school year.

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Things You Didn’t Know About Safe Routes Utah

You’ve likely heard of our Walk & Roll Challenge. Word gets around when kids can win a free helmet and scooter, but did you know there is so much more to Safe Routes Utah?

Safe Routes Utah is a state program that encourages kids to walk and bike to and from school safely, the keyword being “safely.” We find multiple ways to teach and encourage safety among students using active transportation. One way we do that is by teaching it.

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In September, We Wear Green

Pull out your best green gear and help us bring awareness to school zone safety this month for Green Ribbon Month. Green Ribbon Month was created in Utah to shine a light on school zone safety. Now that school is officially back in session, there are more pedestrians, particularly kids, walking and biking to and from school. It’s a reminder to drivers to watch for kids on their way to school and also a reminder to pedestrians to walk and bike responsibly.

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