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Safe Routes Utah Blog

Walk & Roll Challenge Winner Spotlight: Ella

Here at Safe Routes Utah, one of the best parts of the Walk & Roll Challenge is giving out prizes to kids and parents who walk or roll to school. We love seeing their smiles and knowing they love walking, biking or rolling to school as much as we do. Lauren and her daughter Ella, were one of many we’ve awarded so far this year. 

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Protect your Noggin. No Helmet, No ride.

Let the outdoor festivities and activities begin! Now is the perfect time to get your little ones walking and rolling to school. If your child likes to ride their own wheels to school, let’s make sure they don’t leave the house without their trusty headgear.

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What Does it Mean to be a Safe Routes Hero?

With a natural inclination to do good, most kids never hesitate to put their helmet on before riding, others will patiently wait at crosswalks until the crossing guard waves them forward, and still others hold the hands of their younger siblings or encourage their friends to put their phones or video games away before crossing the street. 

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How To Pick The Right Size Bike And Helmet

If your kid rides a push pedal bike, they should have one that’s the proper size. When a child has a bike that is the correct size, they can control it better, refine their coordination and increase their confidence and safety. A bike the right size should:

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