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Safe Routes Utah Blog

Back To School To-Dos

Is it really time for school to start? We can’t believe it’s already August, and it’s time to prepare for the new school year. If you’re getting ready, here are three things to add to the list to get your kiddos ready.

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What Does it Mean to be a Safe Routes Hero?

With a natural inclination to do good, most kids never hesitate to put their helmet on before riding, others will patiently wait at crosswalks until the crossing guard waves them forward, and still others hold the hands of their younger siblings or encourage their friends to put their phones or video games away before crossing the street. 

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Walk & Roll Challenge: How to Rock It On Any School Schedule

As we all know, this school year has been, in a word, hectic. Finding new routines and balancing new schedules has been difficult for parents and kids alike. The new school arrangements also have us reconsidering how our Walk & Roll Challenge should run (no pun intended) this year.

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