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Safe Routes Utah Blog

How To Talk With Your Kids About Pedestrian Safety

How often do you talk to your kids about pedestrian safety? It’s one of those topics that needs addressing but doesn’t always have a natural introduction. But when it comes to your child’s safety, it’s worth having the conversation and having it often.

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Can Drivers See You?

Darker conditions create limited visibility, and as young pedestrians, kids may not realize the danger lurking within their own neighborhoods. What seemed a simple task, now requires hyper-vigilance and the proper gear to make sure drivers can see our little pedestrians and bicyclists clearly.

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3 Active Things To Do With Kids This Summer

Slipping into summer mode probably means less routine and a little less stress for a few months. While some summer days are for lounging, they’re also for adventure and summer activities. If you’re looking for ways to get out of the house and keep the kids active, we have three things to try this summer.

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Walk & Roll Tips From ‘Utah With Kids’

If you’re like us, you love Utah and all of the exciting activities it has to offer. Our friend Kyra feels the same. She runs the Instagram account Utah With Kids, and specializes in finding all the best kid-friendly things to do in Utah, including Safe Routes. Just like every mom, Kyra knows how incredibly busy mornings can be during the school year. She shared some tips on how she makes it all work, so her kiddos get all the rewards from being active as well as a chance to win sweet prizes.

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Protect your Noggin. No Helmet, No ride.

Let the outdoor festivities and activities begin! Now is the perfect time to get your little ones walking and rolling to school. If your child likes to ride their own wheels to school, let’s make sure they don’t leave the house without their trusty headgear.

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We want our children to know how dangerous construction sites are and encourage them to keep a safe distance.

The Dangers of Construction Sites and What We’re Doing to Keep Our Kids Safe

Construction zones are common throughout Utah and can be extremely dangerous for young people. The Safe Routes Utah outreach team educates elementary aged kids about the dangers in these areas through an interactive assembly called, “Think Safety.” It teaches concepts about safety through play and is designed to mitigate their curiosity around construction zones. Students leave knowing to steer clear of these areas and to remain alert and attentive when passing by.

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Safe Routes Utah | Walk & Roll Program

Our guest blogger, Natalie Ockey from Utah’s Adventure Family is passionate about the outdoors and keeping her kids active. Her Utah’s Adventure Family social media accounts give the best tips on places to hike, explore and get moving with your family. Natalie’s kids also participate in the Safe Routes Walk & Roll Challenge to stay active daily during the school year.

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What Does it Mean to be a Safe Routes Hero?

With a natural inclination to do good, most kids never hesitate to put their helmet on before riding, others will patiently wait at crosswalks until the crossing guard waves them forward, and still others hold the hands of their younger siblings or encourage their friends to put their phones or video games away before crossing the street. 

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